Friday, February 1, 2008

Why Am I Doing This?

  • If you could help put an end to lung disease - and accomplish a lifelong goal - would you do it?

  • If you could help clean the air we breathe - and test yourself physically and mentally - would you do it?

  • If you could help prevent kids from starting to smoke - and be part of a fun, supportive climbing team - would you do it?

    2008 commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Climb for Clean Air® - a fundraising climb of Mount Rainier.

    Each year, climbers representing the American Lung Association® of the Northwest each raise a minimum of $3,500, train, and equip themselves to attempt the most difficult alpine climb in the lower 48 states.

    With your generous support this year's climb teams will raise $300,000 to:

    * Help kids with Asthma live full and productive lives.
    * Stem the tide of Big Tobacco money that is pushing young people to start a lifelong habit that kills approximately 440,000 people annual throughout the US.
    * Fund research to find cures for Lung Cancer, Emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Tuberculosis and lung disease of all kinds.
    * Advocate for clean air in our beautiful state.

    To qualify for the climb, I must meet a minimum fundraising goal of $3,500. This is almost as large a challenge as the climb itself! Thank you for considering a donation to this worthy cause and for supporting my summit attempt on Mount Rainier in July 2008!
